Muskoka wedding
Lake Muskoka Cottage wedding
Muskoka cottage wedding: This October my husband and I will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. We tied the knot at a quaint little family resort in the Georgian Bay area called @severnlodge. We were living and working in Dubai at the time, so we knew that we needed more than one evening to visit with our family and friends. The wedding festivities started on the Friday evening with a welcome BBQ, followed the next day with all the guests enjoying the ammenities provided by the resort (canoeing, kayaking, hiking). We got hitched outside at the end of the dock as huge storm clouds rolled in and ran inside just in time to avoid getting soaked, hanging out by the fireplace to warm up. After dinner we had an epic night of dancing and were able to catch up with everyone we missed at the farewell brunch on Sunday. We couldn’t have asked for a better wedding weekend.
I smile as I write this, reminiscing. My husband and I were blessed to have our dream wedding…pre-Pinterest (I had to use Google searches to plan my wedding…gasp…I know.)
My point is…cottage/resort weddings by the water are MY FAVOURITE because they remind me of our wedding. This was taken at Martine & Greg’s wedding on Lake Muskoka this past September. It wasn’t extravagent, it wasn’t crazy high budget but let me tell you this, IT WAS MAGICAL. It was perfect. It was TOTALLY my jam.
Note for future brides: If you are willing to hop in a boat on your wedding day and have your photographer follow you around on a Sea Doo…you are going to get some incredible wedding photos (ok this was taken from the boathouse, the SeaDoo photos will come later). If you are getting hitched by the water, we need to CHAT. Plus I’m an Aquarius…so water baby through and through.
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Muskoka wedding